Recko | A SafeBase Case Study

3 min readMay 27, 2021

You can find the original blog post on the SafeBase Blog

About Recko

Fast growing businesses use Recko to manage their financial operations with agility, simplicity and innovation. Be it reconciliations, payment operations or complex commission calculations; Recko does it all.‍

Snapshot of Recko’s landing page


The team at Recko has completed numerous security questionnaires, but have not been able to leverage their experience to reduce the completion time for filling out new questionnaires. To come up with the answers, the team relies on combing through their personal knowledge, finding answers from past questionnaires, or crowdsourcing answers from the rest of the company. The process of filling out security questionnaires has delayed sales closings on multiple occasions.

‍‍Questionnaires aside, Recko was looking for a way to communicate the quality of their security program to prospective customers. They wanted to provide confidence to customers as they made their purchasing decisions and shorten the duration of security discussions when it came to the final stages of a sale.‍

They’ve recently raised a Series A round of funding and are focused on streamlining their sales process to speed up growth. In addition to more sales, they’ve started selling to mature companies that almost always require a security questionnaire to be completed before a vendor can move forward in the sales process.‍


Recko has documented their security program details using the Security Status Page and published a public-facing page at

Recko’s Security Status Page

In addition to providing prospective customers with transparency using the public-facing page, they now kick off every sales engagement by inviting customers to review material information about their security program with the private Security Status Page feature in SafeBase.

To speed up the process of answering questionnaires, Recko has uploaded their past questionnaires to the Knowledge Base. SafeBase parses the files and indexes the entries so that team members can search instantly for answers from past questionnaires, policy documents, and the security program details they’ve stored in the Security Status Page.

A search taking place within the Knowledge Base


Recko has reduced the time they spend on completing security questionnaires and answering questions from their customers about their security program after deploying SafeBase. With a public-facing Security Status Page (, Recko has learned from customers that they appreciate the transparency and that it makes it easier to select them as a vendor.

In parallel, they’ve started inviting customers to review their security program with the private Security Status Page feature in SafeBase. This allows customers to access material information about their security program including pentest reports and SOC 2 certification reports. In response, customers have been sending shorter questionnaires (up to 50% shorter) and saved them many hours of work.

Recko has reported that it now takes them half the number of meetings to respond to a questionnaire compared to the process prior to onboarding SafeBase.

Searching through past questionnaires for answers is one of the key methods for the team to save time when completing new forms. Copying paragraphs of text instead of typing out new answers saves them time and has been one of the standout features of the Knowledge Base in SafeBase. With the Knowledge Base feature offering instant search across thousands of entries and the ability to quickly copy previous answers, Recko has reported that it now takes them half the number of meetings to respond to a questionnaire compared to the process prior to onboarding SafeBase.

SafeBase is the single source of truth for your security program. Close deals faster with a Security Status Page that accelerates the vendor assessment process for your customers.




Get your security status page today